
Softaculous announces the availability of AMPPS 2.0

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The Softaculous AMPPS Team has released AMPPS 2.0 and Softaculous AMPPS 2.3,  the company’s application deployment solution. This version of AMPPS updates PHP, MySQL, MongoDB, phpMyAdmin, RockMongo, fixes few bug and adds new features. Very recently, the company  announced the release of Softaculous 4.1.8,  announced major structural changes and improvements in Softaculous Auto installer during 2012,  launch of Webuzo 2.0.5 and Softaculous 4.1.7 .

A complete list of changes:

1) The current version of AMPPS for Windows include:

Softaculous AMPPS 2.3(Softaculous 4.1.8)
Apache 2.4.3
PHP 5.4.11, 5.3.21 and 5.2.17
PERL 5.10.1
Python 2.7.2 with mod_wsgi 3.4 module
MySQL 5.5.29
phpMyAdmin 3.5.6
SQLite Manager 1.2.4
MongoDB 2.2.2(Only 64-bit)
RockMongo 1.1.5
FileZilla FTP Server 0.9.41

The current version of AMPPS for Mac includes:

Softaculous AMPPS 2.3(Softaculous 4.1.8)
Apache 2.2.23
PHP 5.4.11, 5.3.21 and 5.2.17
PERL 5.14.1
Python 2.7.2 with mod_wsgi 3.4 module
MySQL 5.5.29
phpMyAdmin 3.5.6
SQLite Manager 1.2.4
MongoDB 2.2.2(Only 64-bit)
RockMongo 1.1.5
Pure-FTPd Server 1.0.35

2) PHP 5.4 now for Mac too.

3) Added Task Manager for Endusers.

4) Added Error Logging system of Softaculous AMPPS which can be accessed from Softaculous Admin Panel.

5) Apache Modules can be configured from Enduser Panel now.

6) Basic PHP Configuration can be configured from Enduser Panel now.

7) Autoindexing in httpd.conf is now shifted in httpd-autoindex.conf

8 ) SSL Configuration is now shifted in httpd-ssl.conf from httpd-vhosts.conf

9) In case of port conflict, along with port 80, sensing of port 443 is also now enabled(Windows only).

10) Now users can take a backup before upgrading the script to newer version.

11) Now libpq.dll is loaded by default for pgsql support(Windows only).

12) Admin can now set default Username or Password suggested on script install form as Empty.

13) Turn off update available notification for script installations.

14) Now while adding FTP User from Enduser Panel, Home directory of User is not restricted to Ampps Path.

15) Improved the Softaculous packaging API.

16) Bug Fix : AMPPS will now sense only its own Apache, MySQL Server. Before it used to sense others too.

17) Bug Fix : Classes were not displayed in chrome due to SSL issue. This is fixed now.

18) Bug Fix : In case of failure during Restore process the exact error which caused failure was not displayed. This is fixed now.

NOTE : This version of AMPPS in WINDOWS is not upgradable from previous versions.

About Softaculous
Softaculous was founded in 2009 with the goal of helping users to deploy apps by the click of a button. Softaculous is already being offered by leading Data Center’s and Web hosting companies around the world.
It is very easy to find, deploy, manage, backup applications using Softaculous. One can also deploy apps in the office using Softaculous Webuzo or Softaculous AMPPS. For more information, visit


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