
“It’s great to know that our product is helping small businesses around the world easily get online.”-Yin YinChan,Onepager.

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“Everything a simple site needs and nothing more”- as this quote on the Onepager website suggests, Onepager is all about building a single page website easily without the need of any design skills or technical coding skills. And this, precisely is the best part of OnePager– The website building interface is super easy and one can easily create trendy and elegant single page website in less than a half hour. Plus,updating the site is as easy as building the site.

Founded in 2011, Onepager was very recently in the news when Namecheap, one of the leading domain name registrars, chose Onepager as its exclusive website builder for customers. This was a giant leap for a company 18 months old. We reached out to them for an interview and they were more than happy to oblige. Read away, as Miss Yin Yin Chan, Co-Founder, OnePager, talks about the genesis of the company, their wide pool of clients, association with NameCheap and a love letter(Yes!).

With all the new features we release, this is what we always keep in mind-OnePager must remain super-simple to use.

– Yin Yin Chan, Co-Founder, Onepager.

What is your name and position with OnePager?

Yin Yin Chan, Co-Founder.

What led you to start Onepager and how has the journey been so far?

We actually started as a web agency many years ago with clients of all types, ranging from nonprofits to larger companies and organizations. Quite a few small businesses were reaching out to us to build basic websites, but it wasn’t feasible for us to take on those types of smaller projects. We couldn’t find any website builders that we were confident in recommending and other alternatives, like WordPress, were more complex than what these businesses could handle.

We decided to come up with a better, simpler solution ourselves and that’s what led us to build Onepager. We launched the first version less than two years ago, and we continue to grow the business and expand on our product. We’re definitely learning a lot from the experience- through all the highs and lows of running our own business. We’re very excited about all the things we’re working on now as well as the plans we have for the near future.

Must say, the drag-and-drop feature you provide makes it really easy to build a website AND makes it look professionally developed. You must’ve a lot of clients who don’t have the resources to create and maintain a full-blown website. Were Small and Medium Enterprisesyour primary target when you started?

Small businesses’ needs are what inspired us to start the project in the first place, and our customer base has become more diverse as it continues to grow. We have individual consultants using the product for themselves as well as for their clients. We have piano teachers, yoga studios, companies using Onepager to list their special events, and more.

When we saw that our customers were helping their clients, families and friends build Onepager websites, we expanded our product to fit the needs of freelancers and agencies. Since this latest release, Onepager has helped freelancers quickly create professional looking websites for their clients at a cost that they can afford. In turn, they are helping the local businesses around them establish an online presence and get found by customers.

From SMEs to a giant like, that too within 18 odd months! How did the association happen?

Our partnership with Namecheap has been great and we’re so happy that there’s such a great fit between the two companies. The connection may have been luck or we just both have amazing products that nicely complement each other.

There are too many website builder apps available in the market. What differentiates Onepager from the currently available website builders?

Our primary goal is to help small businesses easily get online and the product we have built successfully accomplishes that goal. What’s validating for us is that our customers have let us know they feel the same way. One of our customers felt so compelled by the simplicity of our product that she sent us an email with the subject line A love letter to Onepager:

“You have effectively saved my sanity, my relationship with my sister, and possibly her business because her website gets way more traffic than her Facebook. Thank you, a million times thank you.” ~ Adrienne Dye, sister to Rebecca Dye at Sunnyside Yoga.

It’s great to know that our product is helping all these small businesses around the world easily get online. With all the new features we release, that is what we always keep in mind –Onepager must remain super simple to use.

You sure are going to get a plethora of clients and truckload of work now. Amidst all this, do you plan to add any new features in Onepager in 2013?

We’re always assessing and executing on ways to improve our business and our product, and that’s not going to stop in 2013. I’d say for everyone to keep up with our blog and subscribe to our newsletter for all the latest updates.


PS: We’re plugging Miss Yin Yin Chan’s own website here. Just because it’s awesome.

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