Nasscom Community

Webinar on ” POSH In The Era of Remote Working”

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The NASSCOM Foundation organized a webinar on ” POSH In The Era Of Remote Working “ on 22nd Sep 2020 from 11:30 AM to 1 PM. It was very well received by the members and had more than 500 attendees. Some of the key points that were discussed there are as follows:

  • Sexual Harrasment : How the Act defines it
  • Virtual Sexual Harrasment :Nuances & examples
  • Workplace: Is Home Workplace?
  • Implications of Work from Home & remote Working
  • Employer Responsibilities on preventing sexual harrasment in Remote Working
  • Impact on POSH Policy& Employee Contracts
  • Investigating Cases of POSH Virtually: Challenges

To view the recording of the webinar, click here

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