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VeeamON 2019: Veeam makes improvement in orchestration, assures recoverability

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VeeamOn 2019

Veeam Software, during the VeeamON 2019 conference in Miami, FL introduced revised version of orchestration tool, known as NEW Veeam Availability Orchestrator v2. The new version is designed to aid in eliminating lengthy testing and recovery processes.  

“Our new version of Veeam Availability Orchestrator eliminates the challenges of manual processes by introducing reliable orchestrated recovery of production VMs, whether they’re protected by backups or replicas,” said Danny Allan, Vice President of Product Strategy at Veeam. “This also includes the ability to quickly and efficiently leverage protection data to prove recoverability and compliance, whether standards are imposed internally or by governing regulations like HIPAA, SOX, GDPR and more.” 

 Veeam Availability v2, premiered at VeeamON 2019 is generally available now. This tool will help in lowering the cost of recovery. The new version has the capability to automate processes and create actionable documentation that will be directly customized or updated enabling the organizations to meet their recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs) efficiently. 

The Availability Orchestrator is applicable to other IT aspects as well by using data from replications and backups for automated testing, patches, upgrades, automated testing and more. There are five stages of data management on cloud and orchestration is one of them. The other ones are cloud mobility, visibility, backup and automation. 

Earlier promised Veeam Availability Suite v10 including NAS backup and recovery will be accessible by 2019 end. The version 10 is expected to include Direct Restore to VMware feature in it, along with Instant Recovery to vSphere. 

Also read: Microsoft and industry leaders launch new open project for service mesh interoperability 

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