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The monetization of IoT data: A new revenue stream

3 Mins read

Business operations have changed drastically because of the Internet of Things, enhancing productivity, and increasing efficiency across the globe. IoT, as a technology, enables us to connect the physical and virtual worlds. It refers to an ecosystem of physical objects connected over the internet. Its solutions range from predictive and prescriptive maintenance solutions for asset-intensive businesses to industrial, oil and gas, and heavy equipment safety and security solutions.


A hardware-centric approach is evidently key to designing for the IoT ecosystem. As important as this, IoT can yield a great deal of data, which could convert into new revenue streams. A growing number of businesses are leveraging IoT data to develop products that can be marketed to customers. While IoT has the potential to produce $19 trillion in value in the next years, organizations must seize this opportunity. In most cases, only a small percentage of edge device data is used to make meaningful judgments. This gap exists because most corporate executives lack a solid plan for converting data obtained from ‘things’ into actual feasible money.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is ready to transform oil and gas companies into real-time profit generators by enabling them to control and monitor their operational equipment. Some have already incorporated IoT solutions into their operations, and almost every business has invested in IoT. Researchers from a major telecom OEM believe this will result in 11% more revenue for oil and energy companies.

Today’s businesses must radically rethink their monetization orthodoxies to take advantage of the Internet of Things. It would not be enough to complete well-known frameworks and simplify current business models. Nearly all businesses have invested in IoT, and some of the biggest sectors have incorporated IoT solutions rapidly.



IoT monetization through data analysis and interoperability

IoT solutions must be viewed of as an IoT ensemble that incorporates ways and means for not just collecting but also interpreting and acting on data collected from edge devices. An IoT system’s interoperability is the second most important aspect for realizing its potential. Sensor data must contextualize information to achieve information transparency. Finally, cyber-physical systems must be empowered to make simple decisions and achieve a basic level of autonomy so that decision-making can be decentralized. As industries digitize, cyber-physical production systems (CPPSs) that merge the real and virtual worlds aim to improve productivity, reduce errors, and lower costs.


How to monetize IoT?


Solutions or services based on the Internet of Things represent a sizable market with substantial revenue potential. Many businesses seek to make money from innovative IoT systems, but few succeed. To maximize ROI from IoT implementations, organizations can follow these basic recommendations:


  1. Perspectives for the long term: Decide on the domains where you want to use IoT and conduct trials. By replicating best practices across divisions and operations, enterprises can achieve milestones faster.


  1. Automate through IoT: By automating activities, you can not only increase productivity across channels but also improve employee productivity and speed up delivery time. Consider the long-term benefits as well as the early investments in digitalizing processes. Inconsequential tasks may appear insignificant, but when you consider that they are performed multiple times every day, the perspective changes.
  2. IoT Ensemble Development: Data analytics and decision-making should be integrated into IoT systems to maximize the value of collected data and ensure monetization. The worst mistake a company can make is to rely on isolated systems. In the absence of course correction capabilities, an IoT solution for predictive maintenance or a security system is pointless.
  3. Keep a patient and thorough attitude: In terms of determining ROI, there are not any set packages or plug-and-play systems that provide precise results. To achieve realistic returns, it is important to have clear aims, and clear targets, and be aware of the objectives. Ultimately, the outcomes cannot be avoided.


The Internet of Things (IoT) has reached the apex of overblown expectations for developing technology. There is no set time limit within which ROI for IoT initiatives may be expected. It occurs in stages and grows in accordance with the breadth, size of execution, and development of the practice. The advantages are measurable across industries, but they require a phased, organized strategy that is not limited by pre-existing RoI evaluation frameworks