
SunGard Availability Services Announces Managed Recovery Program

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DAILYHOSTNEWS, November 10, 2011 – SunGard Availability Services yesterday announced its Managed Recovery Program (MRP), a new offering that takes the pain out of application recovery for complex IT environments.  With this service, SunGard experts manage the entire recovery lifecycle for organizations, helping lower the cost, burden and risk in the recovery processes. Organizations working with SunGard MRP have been able to raise their confidence in recovery, while refocusing their efforts on primary production operations.

With the Managed Recovery Program, SunGard goes beyond infrastructure and assumes complete responsibility from customer IT staffs for applications-focused recovery.  The program includes planning, scoping, implementing, testing and operating recovery processes.  SunGard’s programmatic approach helps customers identify and address root cause recovery pain points, such as change management for disaster recovery plans and procedures, and staff availability and skill levels needed to support testing and recovery activities. For each customer, SunGard assigns a service delivery manager who works as a seamless extension of the internal IT staff to coordinate testing activities and management of the recovery lifecycle.

The Managed Recovery Program includes all of the service components required to ensure successful application recovery throughout the entire recovery lifecycle including: Definition and maintenance of recovery plans, procedures and recovery infrastructure configurations coupled with recovery procedure execution including startup of operating system, network and backup servers. Also included is a recovery management during disasters and a post-test reporting which include a detailed review of test activities, gap analysis, recommendations for improvements, remediation plans, program status reporting, contract maintenance and updates.

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“Managing applications recovery is a tough challenge in today’s complex and changing applications environments, requiring specialized expertise, mature and repeatable best practices, and advanced recovery tools,” said Larry Coble, senior vice president and general manager, recovery services at SunGard Availability Services.  “The Managed Recovery Program is unique in combining these elements to deliver confidence in applications recovery, using a lifecycle approach that enables recovery to stay current with production changes.”

About SunGard Availability Services
SunGard Availability Services provides disaster recovery services, managed IT services, information availability consulting services and business continuity management software to over 9,000 customers globally.

About SunGard
SunGard is one of the world’s leading software and technology services companies. SunGard has more than 20,000 employees and serves over 25,000 customers in more than 70 countries. Website:

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