
Safer Internet Day 2012

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With an aim to promote safe and responsible use of online technology, Safer Internet Day (SID) was organized today on Tuesday 7 February 2012. Safer Internet Day is organized every year by “Insafe”, a European network of Awareness Centres promoting responsible use of the Internet technology and mobile devices amongst young people.

The SID was organized on the theme “Connecting generations and educating each other”, with a message to young as well as old generation to explore the technology together and using it in right direction. The slogan of this year’s SID is “Discover the digital World together…safely!”

It was found in the research carried out by organisation that a lot of children and young adults have been bothered due to one or the other thing that they encountered on internet. It also revealed that most parents are ignorant of the fact that how unguided use of internet by their children is affecting their mental state. The other fact that came out was that a major percentage of students and youngsters admitted that their use of online technology and social networking sites was restricted to a vast extent after their parent’s interference.

The main motive of Insafe cooperation network lies in empowering citizens to use Internet, mobile phone and other online technologies, positively, safely and effectively. The network believes that it is the shared responsibility of government, educators, parents, media and industry to protect the rights and needs of citizens especially youngsters and children and encourage the responsible use of internet among them.

The topic “connecting generations” address each and every user regardless of age, who access internet, even though less frequently. Each one can contribute in order to have a good online experience and enhance the understanding of online competences and safety. It’s a duty of every aware citizen to ensure that each child is using internet safely.

The idea of organizing the Safer Internet Day around the slogan “Discover the digital World together…safely” fits well in the arena that the use of technology has prevailed in everyone’s life whether it’s a young school-going lad or his grandfather. The internet has emerged as a powerful tool with enormous knowledge. Connecting generations indicate that while on one hand young and sharp minds can teach their grandparents and elders about the usage of internet, the elders on the other hand can guide the young ones ensuring the correct and safe use of digital technology.


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