
Questions to ask before selecting an Automation Testing Provider

2 Mins read
automation testing tool

By now, you already know that automation testing tools form an essential component of successful software development projects. They will speed up the test process by allowing you to simulate time-intensive tasks to ensure that your software meets the required metrics before launching.

While automated testing will give you an insight into what performs as expected and what needs more work, it might be overwhelming to select a software testing tool. There are too many options out there, all with varying features and price tags. And for that reason, you might get spoilt for choice if you are on the market for an automation testing tool.

But there’s no need to feel upset, asking your vendor these questions before you sign the purchase order will help you get the right tool for the job.

Is the testing tool compatible with existing OSes and apps?

Compatibility of your existing OSes and apps with the testing tool you want to acquire is one key thing you need to understand. Your provider should tell you whether their tool supports test management and test automation on all platforms.

If a provider claims to offer a one size fits all solution, run! Getting a Linux tool to work with a Windows-based build server can be problematic. Remember that every software has unique needs, and there’s no way an effective tool will be everything for everyone.

Therefore, do some due diligence to establish what the tool is designed to support. A good rule of thumb is to get one that lines up with your current app or OS. Doing this will ensure that the tool you select perfectly integrates with your current platform and workflow.

How much will it cost me?

Cost is another critical aspect when choosing a vendor for an automation testing tool. For some teams with little or no budget, open-source options are best suited to their product. But that often requires the team to handle the basics of automation testing in terms of installation, patches and maintenance.

If your organization requires customizations that exceed what an open-source tool can offer, a “paid for” solution might be a good fit. However, you must ensure that your saved-up budget aligns with the tool and the support and training offered by the provider.

Does the tool require knowledge of special languages or additional training?

Training is often unnecessary if your software development team can use the selected testing tool in their native or desired language. Java, .NET, Python, and Ruby are some of the basics of automation testing tools. However, these are not always the languages used for tools.

If, for instance, the tool requires a proprietary language or syntax, it might limit your team’s ability to integrate it with other tools, especially if the testers and analysts in your team don’t understand the tool’s language.

The best thing to do is ensure that the tool you select uses well-known and readily available languages. This will make life a lot easier for your team, particularly if they understand the basics of automation testing.

Other possible questions may include:

  • What is the lifespan of your automation suite?
  • How well does the tool integrate with your workflow?
  • Are there any technologies and third-party dependencies that we need to integrate?
  • How will a testing software help solve my problems?
  • Can I try before I buy?

Parting shot

Choosing the right automation testing tool is no easy feat. However, asking the right questions before selecting a vendor will help you avoid many issues during your software development cycle. More specifically, it will help you get a tool that aligns perfectly with your software, thus ensuring your product’s quality.

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