Registrations for Pubcon Las Vegas 2013, a social media and optimization conference, which will take place on October 21 – 25, 2013 at the Las Vegas Convention Center, are now open.

– Brett Tabke, CEO, Pubcon.

“Pubcon Las Vegas 2013, including our double Platinum sponsor Internet Marketing Ninjas, is going to be the biggest and most exciting gathering of new media and optimization trailblazers that we’ve ever put together, and we’re delighted to open registration today for the largest PubCon ever at some of the fairest early-bird discount rates available,” said Mr. Brett Tabke, CEO, Pubcon.
Pubcon has had keynotes from following industry veterans in the past:
- Matt Cutts, Webspam team, Google.
- Jon Von Tetzchne, Founder, Opera software.
- Craig Newmark, Founder, Craiglist.
- Amit Singhal, SVP, Google.
- Richard Rosenblatt, co-founder, Demand Media.
- David Pogue, New York Times technology writer.
- Tony Hsieh, Chief Executive, Zappos.
- Bob Brisco, Chief Executive, Internet Brands.
- Leo Laporte, Emmy award-winning technology broadcaster.
- Best-selling authors like Malcolm Gladwell, Guy Kawasaki and Robert X. Cringely.
Pubcon Las Vegas 2013 will offer 130 + conference panel sessions with a week-long exploration of the future of technology and latest online marketing studies presented by industry experts in Internet marketing, search engines, and online advertising.
The event will also see Pubcon Masters Group training program and workshops, a day-long group of intensive educational training programs led by some of the industry’s most respected search and social media professionals, as well as a new networking badge option.
“With hundreds of the world’s top technology and online marketing visionaries speaking, Pubcon Las Vegas 2013 offers an unrivaled technology conference experience, and we’re confident that every attendee will take away more valuable new search and social media ideas, business solutions and actionable take-aways than ever before, all at surprisingly cost-effective rates,” said Mr. Tabke.
Registration for Pubcon Las Vegas 2013 is now open and available at special early-bird rates. To register, click here.
For more information, click here.