
Oracle Acquires Private Cloud Infrastructure Management Software Provider Nimbula

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Nimbula’s product is complementary to Oracle, and is expected to be integrated with Oracle’s cloud offerings. – Oracle.

US enterprise software giant Oracle announced yesterday that it has acquired Nimbula, a provider of private cloud infrastructure management software. Nimbula’s technology helps companies manage infrastructure resources to deliver service, quality and availability, as well as workloads in private and hybrid cloud environments. The financial details of the acquisition, which is expected to close in the first half of 2013 have not been revealed yet.

The motive behind the acquisition remains uncertain. Though Oracle didn’t out out official press release , in a brief blog post, it said that “Nimbula’s product is complementary to Oracle, and is expected to be integrated with Oracle’s cloud offerings.”

Mr. Charles Babcock of Information Week indicated in a write-up that it’s possible that Oracle is acquiring Nimbula as an insurance that it won’t be left behind by a rapidly evolving world of public cloud computing, much of which is based on open source code. Instead of integrating with Oracle’s existing cloud offerings, Nimbula Director may give Oracle a bridge over which its products could connect to and communicate with a future standard, open source cloud provided by different suppliers.

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