Nasscom Community

NASSCOM submits feedback on Draft Health Data Management Policy

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The National Health Authority (NHA) had released the Draft Health Data Management Policy (NHD Policy) for public comments on 26 August 2020. The deadline for providing feedback to NHA was 21 September 2020.

Based on the inputs received from the industry, NASSCOM submitted its feedback on 21 September 2020.

Given that the Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019, (PDP bill) which is currently being considered by the Parliament, is a horizontal legislation that would cover privacy of health/ medical data also, the interplay between PDP bill and NHD policy was carefully considered. Our submission was, thus organised in the following manner.

  • Key issues that the NHA may raise with the JPC to ensure that the vision set forth in the draft Policy is consistent with the PDP Bill.
  • Key areas where the NHA may advise the DPA towards framing industry codes of practices relating to mechanisms being adopted in the draft Policy
  • Standalone areas where the NHA may start implementing mechanisms recommended in the draft Policy Our submission is attached.

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