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Minimum features needed in Product Detail Page for Fashion Ecommerce Site

3 Mins read

Fashion Industry was one amongst many industries to quickly adopt selling online. A good e-commerce solution provides the customer to virtually feel the product and compare before buying. Brands,Categories can be searched quickly and assist the customer for easy product selection. In this article we will describe product detail page, which gives the description about the product.

The Product page also known as Product Detail Page (PDP)  is the trigger for the purchase on any e-commerce store. The page should be carefully designed and only relevant product attributes such as name,Image,price,description,customer review and ordering options should be provided. Below we have highlighted must-haves for Product Detail Page other than Product Name, SKU, Product Category, Description, Images etc.

Product Zoom

  • It allows the customers to review the product in details before making the decision to buy.
  • Usual implementations are to Roll over the image to zoom the product in detail
  • Multiple product images give the option to zoom a product in detail
  • Common implementations use 1) double-tap to zoom 2> pointing mouse to zoom

Also Bought Recommendations block

  • Customers always look for options available before making a decision.
  • Past purchases is the best way to relate product the customer is viewing.
  • It would also boost cross selling of products

Delivery Promise

  • What is the primary reason the customer is buying on your online store instead of going to Brick and Mortar store.
  • Yes delivery promise is critical to online sales.
  • Time of Delivery and cost are biggest factors for customer to purchase online.

Delivery promise in Product Detail Page

Banners/Block Customization

  • Content is the heart of ecommerce store.
  • Creative content for customer at a first glance to website on what you offer can be put on Banners.
  • Marketing team can adapt this in their Newsletters.

Product Labels

  • Other than the Product Image the most focus for the customer is the label.
  • Place the right label at the right position.
  • Label identifies the importance of why the product should be bought.

Displaying Brand Logos in PDP

  • Brand logo gives the customer easy way to identify and return to the products of the same brand

Displaying Upsells and Cross sells

  • Upselling is trying to promote the expensive products that the customer is viewing.
  • Upselling product may be a more feature rich product than the current viewing products.
  • Cross Sells are helping customer identify the products that are related and helps increase the order value of the cart.

Displaying Out of stock sizes in Dropdown

  • Realtime tracking of Inventory is crucial part of the online store.
  • Give visibility to customers of the available stock immediately at the product view and close the deal.

Back to Overview button to redirect to respected PLP

  • Quick navigation helps customers to navigate back and forth.
  • It can help avoid cart abandonments.

Size Chart Customization

  • Based on customer surveys main point of product returns are the because the product is not the right fit.
  • Unless you make the customer decide the perfect size that fits them and visually convince them the sales would not fruitful.

USP’s visibility

  • No Matter how well you advertise the product you always have a competitor selling the same product unless you exclusively manufacture the product.
  • Be able to differentiate to customer why they should buy from your website (usually lowest price,first time available online etc).

BestSellers products Block, Most Popular Block, Trending Products Block

  • Help customers identify what other people bought based on previous sales.
  • Customers would be interested in latest available fashion in market and how the products have been sold before making a decision.

Session/Cookie based products to be displayed

  • Customers usually plan a item to buy and then they research.
  • So always make sure the customer is updated the last viewed items based on the previous browsing history.

Customer Stories with Photos and Videos

  • Real stories are the most popular way to convince customers to buy a product.
  • Customers who already bought can share real life experience of the product.

Product dimensions Block

  • Give the right dimension with a image and increase the chances of the product sale.
  • Customer can validate the dimensions and would reduce the product returns.

Browse Popular categories Block
DIsplaying the Stock count of the product

  • Unless you have products to sell customer cannot buy.
  • Instead of letting customer know at the checkout better display the count at the time the product is added to cart.

This article was originally published at

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