
Media Temple’s Email Functionality Across Several Grid-Service Clusters Stalled

1 Mins read

Media Temple’s several clients encountered many problems today as the email functionality across all (gs) Grid-Service Clusters of the company stalled. The issue, remained only with the e-mail accessibility as many users were unable to login to Webmail and faced similar problems via other Email clients (Mail, Outlook, Thunderbird).

Soon after onset of the problem, Media Temple’s twitter timeline got flooded with a flurry of complaints and queries of anxious clients.

 MediaTemple’s customer support was very agile and replied to individual queries instantly. Upon identifying the issue, they tweeted-  “Our administrators have detected a larger ongoing issue with cluster 10, segment 1. We’re working on it right now! *MM”

Issue didn’t seem to be with only cluster 10 though. Many clients on other clusters reported having same e-mail downtime problems too.

Their administrators are working to get everything online as soon as possible. Meanwhile, they posted a report  regarding the incident on their website. If you’re one of the concerned clients, you can keep updated here.


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