
Jelastic Shield 5.4 Upgraded Cloud Protection with Firewall Management and Private Network Isolation

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Jelastic, the Multi-Cloud DevOps PaaS, announced a new product release named Shield 5.4, highlighting its main target on security enhancements. Within this release, the platform was upgraded with a new firewall management system, private network isolation and a set of other features demanded by customers.

“The guarantee of security is considered as one of the main requirements among our cloud customers, and that’s why we keep improving Jelastic platform in this direction by adding private network isolation and enhanced functionality for firewall management,” said Ruslan Synytsky, Jelastic CEO.

One of the major features of Jelastic 5.4 release is a newly implemented possibility to manage inbound and outbound firewall rules on the container level through a convenient graphical interface. A number of default rules is automatically added to the inbound section to make the node operable.

“5.4 version bought us possibility to more fully satisfy our customers, especially financial industry, with security level and access management. Also, it is worth mentioning the added capacity to use post and pre-deploy script that simplifies DevOps processes. Jelastic become even more complete and powerful solution for developers! We love it,” said Matthieu Robin, Hidora CEO.

Also, an automatic network isolation was implemented to prohibit any unallowed connections between different environments. This results in another essential newly added possibility to create secure environment groups, intended to isolate environments of a single account from each other. Platform automatically creates a dedicated IP set for each isolated group, which is composed of the appropriate containers internal addresses. This allows to control access between nodes of each environment.

“Security is one of our main concerns as a cloud hosting company. We want to provide the best security features for our users and that is why we are glad to make this new Jelastic platform release available at Canadian market,” said Alexandre Barfuhok, Sphere48 CEO.

In confines of Jelastic Shield version, there were added a number of other demanded features and improvements, among them:

  • Extra Environment Layers for All Supported Middleware Stacks
  • Go Language Support via a Specially Packaged Middleware Container
  • Webhooks for Application Build and Deploy Operations
  • Built-In Web SSH Console
  • HTTP 2.0 Support for Jelastic Shared and Dedicated Load Balancers
  • UI/UX Improvements
  • Deployment Improvements
  • Cloud Scripting Engine Optimization for Improved Serverless User Experience

“The released features provide the functionality to apply appropriate security policy to container environments. So now the companies and users can block all types of access for more effective protection of their applications. We are excited about a new platform version launch and a possibility to reach the highest level of customers satisfaction,” said Sidimar Carniel, Saphir CEO.

Also read: Jelastic PaaS Cerebro 5.3 Launched with IPv6 Support

A full list of the Jelastic 5.4. release features, improvements and bug fixes with detailed description can be reviewed in Release Notes. A newly launched product version can be already tried out by registering at one of the upgraded Jelastic service providers.

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