
Interview with Ben Welch-Bolen, Site5, CEO

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We got a chance to interview Site5 Chief Executive Officer. And it was exciting to know him!! Thanks Ben for he interview

1. Tell us something about yourself and your position in Site5.

My name is Ben Welch-Bolen and I’m the CEO and one of the owners at Site5. I make sure everything is running smoothly on a day to day basis and I am responsible for the long term planning and implementation of our goals.

2. Give an overview about your company, its origin and services?

Site5 was founded in 1999 and we provide shared web hosting, reseller hosting, cloud hosting, and virtual servers to customers around the world. We offer our customers a choice of where they want to locate their hosting, with multiple locations in the USA and Canada, as well as locations in Europe, Asia, South America and more.

3. What do you offer which is unique to your company?

We offer our customers a choice of where they want their hosting located in different parts of the world and we are constantly adding more locations. We also offer a custom software backend built on cPanel that allows our customers to easily manage their hosting, and an easy to use user interface for cPanel. Plus fantastic customer service!

4. What is the most exciting as well as challenging part of your business?

The most exciting part of our business is the new backend system we are building that will enable us to provide new innovative products and easy management tools to our customers over the coming years. We are very excited as we get closer to first launch later this year! The most challenging part of our business is the investment it takes to build out a great development team and choosing where to invest our time and resources.

5. What is your take on eco-friendly hosting?

Every company should be working to make their operations more efficient, it makes good business sense and its eco-friendly! We do a number of things to stay eco-friendly, our team all work from home so there is no daily car commute, we maintain a paper free work environment, and we use very efficient hardware for our servers.

6. Where do you see Site5 in next 5 years?

In 5 years Site5 will be quite a bit larger and offering a much wider degree of products and customization options for those products. We will also be providing support to our customers in a number of different languages as well.

7. Is there anything new you are coming up with to offer to potential customers?

Yep we are constantly adding new locations our customers can choose from, in the next 30 days we are adding hosting locations in Brazil and India with additional locations to follow. Also, later this year we plan on rolling out new cloud hosting locations in Europe and Asia and options for unmanaged and semi-managed virtual servers.

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