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How to Create Efficient and Highly Secure Mobile Apps

4 Mins read

As the modern market moves towards complete digitization, mobile applications are becoming a norm for businesses. With 6.4 billion smartphone global users accessing almost 70% of their content on mobile phones, their importance is evident. 

However, these statistics do not mean that businesses can attain instant success with any mobile. There is a reason why only a handful of applications make it big, despite almost every business creating an app. Developing an efficient app requires thorough research, work, and resource allocation.

While it sounds simple on paper, budget restrictions, time pressure, and market competition severely complicate the task. Does that mean you have to spend thousands of dollars to create the desired app? No, you can implement several simple tips to develop a highly efficient app on the first try.

Here, are some of the top tips every business must follow to develop the best mobile application.

1. Idea Formulation

An idea is the first step towards a goal in most circumstances, even when it comes to app development. Brainstorming new ideas seems exciting initially, so you will most likely come up with multiple app ideas.

However, you have to shortlist them to a maximum of two. Start with the clear business specifications, needs, and industry. The audience will not use the app simply because it is available. Do not forget you are creating the app for people to use.

Thus, the idea of an app should be to create user value and fix solutions. If your app idea stands true on both segments, move on to the next step.

2. Target Demographics

One app cannot cater to the entirety of the market. You have to find out who will use your app. Find the specifics of your target audience. What is the age group? Where do they reside? What type of apps do they prefer? Why will they use your app?

Answer these questions before proceeding with the progress. While targeting a widespread userbase is desirable, finding a target demographic serves better for new apps. Of course, you can add new functions afterward and attract a new audience. But it won’t happen if you fail during the starting phase. 

Thus, it is pivotal to find the target niche and design the app according to their preferences.

3. Operating System

Choosing the demographics will also lead you to another important decision – the mobile platform. Even with Android operating system (OS) covering most of the smartphone industry, your audience may primarily use iOS devices.  

This is where the research done in the previous step comes in handy. First, use the data to choose an OS for the app. The primary choices in most cases are Android and iOS, but you can also build a hybrid app with cross-platform functionality.

Building a native app allows businesses to target specific audience groups while hybrid apps cater to multiple platforms. It is a crucial decision, so take your time before finalizing anything.  

4. Features and Functionalities

The modern audience indeed desires a multitude of use-cases from every app, but achieving it from the get-go is extremely unlikely. Not to mention how exhausting and expensive it can be.

So instead of flooding the app with every available function, try to be minimal and efficient. Integrate necessary features that convey your app’s purpose to gauge the initial customer response. MVP seems to be the best option in this case.

5. Build an MVP

MVP or minimum viable product is a minimal version of the app that only contains the basic features. The idea behind an MVP is to assess how the market sees your app. It is a great way to gather user feedback and integrate that into the app for its enhancement.

Moreover, an MVP act as a prototype to show how the app will look to the management and stakeholders.

6. Keep the UI Simple 

The user interface (UI) can substantially affect an app’s market performance. Therefore, regardless of your app’s purpose, you should always maintain an easy-to-navigate UI. In addition, your audience should be able to access the core elements on the home page itself. Thus, you must design the home page and other pages in a proper fashion.

It does not mean you cannot opt for vibrant colors or visuals. Instead, try to keep everything high-quality yet easy to access.

7. Content Development

Even with a minimal app, you will need some form of content to accompany it. Content refers to texts, videos, audio, images, and illustrations. You must prepare the content or hire an external agency for it. The bottom line is to create content that bodes well with your app and business ideas.

8. Mobile Security

Mobile apps remain the prime target for malicious activity. Hence, organizations should safeguard their apps while enjoying the immense benefits that these apps provide. To ensure the security of your mobile apps, we can do the following:

  • Enforce Strong Authentication
  • Source Code Encryption
  • Penetration Testing
  • Scan Mobile Apps for Malware
  • Prevent Data Leaks
  • Optimize Data Caching‌‌

9. Test the App

Even if you have launched the MVP and the audience loved it, you must test the app thoroughly before deploying it. Quality assurance holds utmost prominence for every app, as it ensures its stability, security, and functionality.

You can involve your testing team from the get-go so that they can keep up with the development process. It eliminates the chances of any issues and bugs existing on the app. Moreover, it facilitates a sense of security that your app is ready to be deployed. 

Generally, you should run the following tests:
UX testing
Feature testing
Performance testing
Safety testing
Device testing

Once you undertake the testing process, you can deploy the app at any time. However, remember to create a developer account on Play Store if you developed a native app. 

App development can be a daunting process, but it does not have to be. It only takes several well-defined yet straightforward steps to develop an efficient app. The article has specified several tips to help businesses achieve it. Go through them and build an efficient app today.     

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**Original article was published on BigStep Technologies