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Hivelocity’s “Check Out My Server” Campaign Has Customers Requesting Personalized Pictures Of Their Servers

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Known for coming up with innovative campaigns to drive customer interaction, Hivelocity has launched a new social media campaign targeting new and existing customers. Earlier this year, Hivelocity also held First Annual Parade of Racks Beauty Contest at it’s data center.

Titled “Check Out My Server,” the new social media campaign has an interesting premise. Via their Twitter, Facebook and G+ accounts, Hivelocity’s customers can request a personalized picture be taken of their dedicated server or even direct a 6 second Vine video at the server’s rack.

“It recently dawned on me that in our business the customers rarely get to see the product they are paying for. This didn’t seem right to me. For all the customer knows they are getting some dingy white box held together with duct tape,” said Steve Eschweiler, General Manager, Hivelocity in an email conversation with DailyHostNews.

“So we are offering to send our customers pictures of their servers or even a quick Vine video of their server. We have had some customers tell us they have framed the pics and put them on their walls in the office,” he added.

Hivelocity has so far had customer requesting a simple picture of the server with the owner’s logo to more elaborate requests for Vine videos with Hivelocity employees posing at the server.

“We are very proud of our data center and the systems we deploy every day for customers. This campaign is really a win win in our eyes. We get to show off our data center and hardware and our customers finally have a way to see the dedicated servers they are paying for,” said Drew Adams, Sales Manager, Hivelocity.

In a recent interview with DailyHostNews, Steve did talk about Hivelocity’s commitment to provide customers with exceptional, unique and gratifying experience with every interaction they have with the company.

“We don’t want to simply be a monthly bill and faceless company to our customers. We will continue to be innovative with how we connect with our customers and the service we provide our customers today is just the tip of the iceberg, ” he said.

Currently, Hivelocity is competing at the Social Madness competition organized by The Business Journal. You can vote for Hivelocity here under the “Large Business category.”

For more information on the“Check Out My Server” campaign, click here.

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