
Google Apps Now Support ccTLDs

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Google, the search engine giant, announced on Thursday its partnership with, a domain registrar & a member of The KeyDrive Group. With this partnership, Google will be able to offer 30 top-level domain (TLD) options, including 22 ccTLDs, with prices starting at $8 per year to Google Apps customers. Google has worked with registrars for years to offer companies signing up for the Apps suite the option of also buying a domain as part of the transaction.

Here is the full list of TLDs now available when one sign up for Google Apps:
• Global – .com, .info, .org, .net, .mobi, .biz, .name, .cc, .tv
• Asia-Pacific – .in,,,,,, .jp
• Latin America – .co,,, .mx
• Europe – .be, .ch, .cz, .de, .es,, .me, .nl, .pl

Hugues Vincent, a Google Apps team official, wrote at Google Enterprise blog post, “A country code top-level domain (ccTLD) such as or .jp helps companies build a local footprint on the web, and ccTLD support is one of the most-requested features for Google Apps. Now, businesses that wish to sign up for Google Apps but don’t yet have a domain name have plenty of local options to choose from during sign-up. Your new domain comes configured with all Google Apps services, including Gmail for your custom email addresses ( Your domain will be registered with”

Vincent also quoted, “We hope this gives new Google Apps customers more flexibility in their domain registration to help boost their local presence on the web.”

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