
GoDaddy DNS Hit By DDOS Attack

1 Mins read

Monday has not been best of times for GoDaddy, a webhost and world’s largest domain registrar, as its DNS was attacked by a single anonymous hacker with a massive DDOS attack. The attack affected millions of the customers across the globe as the end customers were not able to access the website as the backbone of the hosting services i.e. DNS was blocked .

While the motive is unclear at this point, Anonymous has tweeted that users of Go Daddy support censorship of the Internet, possibly referring to its support of SOPA and PIPA earlier this year. @AnonymousOwn3r has taken sole responsibility for the attack.

A Twitter feed allegedly affiliated with the “Anonymous” hacker group says it’s behind the outage, but another Twitter account associated with Anonymous says the first one is just taking advantage of an outage it had nothing to do with.

It is being evaluated that last year GoDaddy was pressured into opposing SOPA as customers transferred domains off the service, and the company has been the center of a few other controversies is the cause of this attack. However, AnonymousOwn3r has tweeted

As per the recent reports, the majority of the customers associated with GoDaddy are small and medium business holders. According to them, by this attack wrong people are affected.

However many of the competitors in hosting world are trying their level best to attract customers to their side that were the victim of this attack. As the cool offers started sailing in the market like 30% off on 1st invoice offered by a hosting company named Reliable Host.

GoDaddy website is currently showing the following notice to inform visitors about the current status.

At 10:25 am PT, and associated customer services experienced intermittent outages. Services began to be restored for the bulk of affected customers at 2:43 pm PT. At no time was any sensitive customer information, such as credit card data, passwords or names and addresses, compromised. We will provide an additional update within the next 24 hours. We want to thank our customers for their patience and support.

GoDaddy twitter handle is being used by the GoDaddy team to update, console & apologize customers for the outage & inconvenience. Here goes some tweets:

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