Nasscom Community

Embracing a new mindset to shape a better future

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After the huge disruptions caused by the COVID-19 crisis in 2020, companies are looking to get back on course and, importantly, build for the future.
The past year has poked holes in long-standing norms about how companies operate and how people live. Companies looked at their operations and saw fragile supply chains, untrustworthy information and radically new customer needs. As they’ve adjusted to these realities, the most successful ones have become Masters of Change.
These are the key tech trends leaders must embrace.
Architecting a better future
Companies will now be competing on their technology architecture. Enterprises can custom-tailor every layer of it now, but building and wielding the most competitive stack means thinking differently.
Business and technology strategies must become indistinguishable. Whoever gains the upper edge on technology stands to emerge as number one.
The power of massive, intelligent, digital twins
Growing investments in data, AI and digital twin technologies are giving rise to a new generation of business and intelligence. Call it the mirrored world.
More of the physical world is represented in digital space—with models of whole factories, supply chains, product life cycles and more.
It’s ushering in new opportunities for enterprise leaders to bring data and intelligence together, ask and answer big questions, and reimagine how they operate, collaborate and innovate.
The democratization of technology
Technology is democratizing. Natural language processing, low-code platforms and robotic process automation are adding a grassroots layer to enterprise innovation strategies.
With democratized technology, every employee can be an innovator, empowered to create technology-driven solutions on their own.
Bring your own environment
At the start of the pandemic, enterprises ignited the biggest workforce shift in living memory by sending people home and doubling down on technology solutions to keep them productive. In doing so, they have made work possible not just from home, but from anywhere.
Leaders must now develop “bring your own environment” (BYOE) strategies to address the security ramifications of remote work, necessary cultural shifts and the evolving purpose of physical office space.
A multiparty system’s path through the chaos
With multiparty systems, enterprises can gain greater resilience and adaptability, more seamlessly share data, and set new, ecosystem-forward standards for their industries. In the face of the global disruption of COVID-19, they are learning they are stronger together.
Source: Accenture

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