
DigiCert’s Announces EV SSL Certificates For Web Hosts For Reselling

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[DAILYHOSTNEWS] July 18, 2012, DigiCert, Certificate Authority, announced yesterday at HostingCon 2012 that its high assurance EV SSL certificates are now available to web hosting companies for reselling purposes .Formerly these certificates were mostly sold to enterprises.

As per DigiCert, their customer service & fast issuance time differentiates them from other certificate providers that are currently providing security certificates to web hosts.

Aaron Watson, Vice President of Sales for DigiCert quoted, “We’re excited to be here (HostingCon 2012) to add value to web hosts partners and their customers.”

“EV SSL certificates are especially important for ecommerce web hosting customers as the green bar illustrates to visitors that the website is secure. For ecommerce customers, the fast issuance times are important because they are losing business every second they don’t have an EV SSL certificate”, Watson says. “We have some of the fastest, if not the fastest, issuance times in the industry. For example, an EV SSL certificate can be issued within an hour assuming that our customer provides the information we need to do it.”

Looking forward to partner with DigiCert for reselling certificates? Visit DigiCert at HostingCon 2012 at Booth No. 229

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