
Comodo Provides Tips For Secure Mobile Shopping And Protection of Mobile Devices

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DAILYHOSTNEWS, December 1, 2011 – Based on reports about Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales, mobile electronics are taking center stage this holiday season. And while news reports have focused on the aggressive crowds of Black Friday, Internet security provider Comodo believes the role mobile devices have played in this year’s sales spotlights a far greater danger for the 2011 holiday season – unprotected mobile shopping and lack of security on the mobile devices purchased by shoppers.

Some researchers report the number of consumers using their smartphones to shop is expected to double in 2011. According to a survey by BigResearch1 for example, nearly 18 million consumers are expected to use their smartphones to shop this year, up from 7.3 million in 2010 and triple the 3.6 million mobile shoppers reported in 2009.

And as expected, smartphones and other mobile devices emerged as one of this season’s popular purchases among Black Friday and Cyber Monday shoppers. Research firm The NPD Group2 says more than 23 percent of Black Friday shoppers purchased some type of electronics product, an increase of 15 percent over last year.

Given these growth statistics, Comodo is repeating its call for consumers to take precautions when shopping on mobile devices this holiday season and reminding those buying and receiving mobile products of the need to make certain their smartphones, tablets and other mobile products are secure.

Comodo recommends consumers:

  • Ensure that websites used to shop and search for gifts are secure. This year more than ever, shoppers are using mobile devices to search for products and find the best deals, as well as purchase gifts online. While consumers are likely to take the time to protect themselves when using their home PCs, mobile shoppers often don’t consider necessary security precautions. It’s important that while shopping online, mobile users only shop on sites they know and trust. Make sure security software notifies you if a site is verified as safe and secure.
  • Ensure that mobile devices have necessary security protections. While making certain home PCs have the appropriate protection software, this is a far greater problem among mobile users who may not take the time to ask about malware protection when giving or receiving one of the e-readers, smartphones, tablets and similar electronic devices that are expected to be major gift items this holiday season. Consumers should check on these details with the manufacturer or retailer to avoid potentially dangerous infections that can ruin holiday gifts.
  • Ensure connections are safe. When shopping with a mobile device, users often surf the web using a wi-fi connection – at a coffee shop, mall, hotel or airport for example. Mobile users must make sure their device has security software that keeps them and their personal information private, secure, and out of the hands of criminals during an online session. Comodo is one Internet security provider that offers a wireless service that creates a shield around a user’s handheld device – or laptop or desktop computer — preventing criminals from attacking or scanning a computer from the local network used to connect to the Internet.

“We’re just a few days into the official holiday season, and already mobile devices are emerging as a major force, but we feel security considerations aren’t keeping pace with the rise in mobile shopping and mobile gifting,” said Melih Abdulhayoglu, Comodo’s CEO and chief security architect. “That’s why Comodo is encouraging consumers to take a few minutes to make sure they’re shopping safely and purchasing protection for any mobile device they buy or receive as gifts this holiday season.”

In the days prior to Black Friday, Comodo offered users tips for safer holiday shopping.

About Comodo
Comodo is a leading Internet security provider. With U.S. Headquarters in New Jersey and global resources in UK, China, India, Ukraine, and Romania, Comodo provides businesses and consumers worldwide with security services, including digital certificates, PCI scanning, desktop security, and remote PC support. Securing online transactions for more than 200,000 businesses, and with more than 35 million desktop security software installations, including an award-winning firewall and antivirus software, Comodo is Creating Trust Online. To learn more, visit Website:

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