
Codero Launches New Features and 2nd Generation Smart Servers(TM) in Phoenix

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With the flock of customers adopting Codero Smart Servers, and giving ear to their wishes for upgraded servers, Codero has now announced that they’re adding a wave of 2ndgeneration features. Smart servers will be available at their flagship Phoenix, Arizona data center.

Why Smart Servers?
Smart Servers from Codero are a technology that is innovative, game changer for both the hosting and cloud markets. It’s really an ideal option when one needs the flexibility and scalability of the Cloud and the security and high-performance of Dedicated Server environments. By merging the best attributes of Cloud and Dedicated technologies they’ll be able to give customers complete control over all of their dedicated server resources. This includes CPU cycles, memory, and storage capacity. Smart Servers will retain all the original features , plus more:

  • More locations― you choose where your Smart Servers are hosted: Ashburn, VA, Chicago, Illinois, and now Phoenix, AZ.
  • More operating system flavors― you can select select your OS, including: CentOS, Ubuntu, and Windows.
  • Backup with snapshots― Snapshots are a backup of the server at that specific moment. You can choose on-demand and scheduled data backup.
    • On-demand backup: Manual backup features let customers choose when to backup. This allows for backups more often or ability to backup after critical changes have been made.
    • Snapshot scheduling: This option puts snapshot backups on a schedule, which you as the customer select. Users can choose daily, weekly, monthly, backups at various time slots. Consistent and scheduled backups keep data protected and prevent data loss.
    • Customize hardware anytime― Customers can add more ram or storage at any time.

Codero Smart Servers are perfect if you:

  • Need dedicated hardware and the ability to scale up fast
  • Have apps that need high I/O or databases,
  • Want to be able to make modifications to your system and snapshot changes, or;
  • Would like isolated demos or training servers for your customers on a moments notice.

With Smart Servers it’s simple. From ordering to logging in, it only takes minutes.

Greater Control and Instant Deployment
Codero’s data centers in Chicago, Illinois and Ashburn, Virginia already offer Smart Servers. All Codero Smart Servers are ready to deploy almost instantly and automatically. Customers with Smart Servers can also access their servers from anywhere on the web with remote VNC. Private networking capabilities also let Smart Server customers create multiple server configurations as needed.

Easy One Click Scalability, Upgrades and Migrations
One of the biggest benefits of Smart Servers? Simplified server management. With one-click users can access their operating system console through Server Portal, easily, quickly, and reliably. One-click and you’re in. It puts everything one  needs to run your server at his fingertips. This includes the ability to upgrade hardware with a single click and migrate in minutes as needs change.

Speed and Performance
High disk Input/Output also means customers don’t have to compromise speed or performance when running large databases―since it’s a dedicated resource. Their I/O intensive databases will run with ease because users aren’t sharing resources with 10 to 12 other people. Because Smart Servers are built on Codero’s rock solid network, customers can also be confident that  their website and applications will be up and running.

Also, wherever one hosts his Smart Server he’ll have the security of knowing that his infrastructure is hosted in Codero’s award-winning data center environment. Should one need it, he’ll also backed by Codero’s support team. Those having questions  about Codero’s new Smart Server features can get in touch with them via chat or phone call.

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