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Cloud ERP: Dispelling Myths from Reality

2 Mins read

Cloud has become an integral piece of modernization for leading enterprises. It has simplified the way we communicate with our customers, vendors, suppliers and stakeholders. Cloud ERP can be the best from a business point of view for any organization. Cloud ERP gives companies access to their applications at any time from any location. Cloud ERP has tangible business benefits as it reduces cost in many ways. It reduces the cost of all computing infrastructure like hardware etc. Also, setting up cloud ERP will eliminate the monthly fees of software licenses. Actually, cloud ERP goes beyond just saving costs. We can avoid the issue of data hacking, as data is not stored locally. The advantage of faster speed and automated data recovery makes it much popular among the offices.

Businesses can have the latest functionalities rather than waiting for months or years. It’s also the most affordable and sustainable way to control cost. The IT teams can also focus on other strategic tasks that were earlier going in managing and upgrading software. 

Despite so many advantages of cloud ERP, people are still mistrustful in using cloud ERP for their businesses, as there are so many myths spreading across about installing cloud ERP. Let’s dive-in to unveil the reality of myths about cloud ERP. 

In this article, we are going to dispel some common misconceptions surrounding Cloud ERP to  navigate the transition as smooth as possible. 

Myth 1: Moving to the Cloud is Costlier

Moving to the cloud is not just a one-click task, it’s a bit tricky which needs proper procedure to follow. The problem is that we see the implementation issues only, not the upcoming benefits after installment. We do not completely look into the business case of moving to the cloud, and that makes it critical. We help you in moving to the cloud smoothly and promise to give you the measurable results.

Myth 2: Benefits of the Cloud Aren’t Substantial

Cloud solutions are designed to offer the most compelling functionality with its numerous benefits. You can have cloud solutions for different needs of your business. SAP Business One empowers small and medium enterprises by tapping into the world of new opportunities.  

The journey to Cloud ERP is accelerating like anything. Cloud ERP enables your business to be scalable and innovate without the additional CapEx investment. That’s not all, Cloud ERP offers a lucrative business case with a pay-as-you-go model. To stay ahead of the curve, leading businesses cannot ignore its benefits hence sooner or later they will have to embark on the Cloud ERP journey to make their business more agile and resilient.

Transitioning to cloud ERP comes packed with next-gen technology such as in-built BI, mobile functionality, artificial intelligence, faster deployment cycle, innovation at a great scale. 

Cloud adoption increases operational speed, simplicity, and cost-efficiency

Cloud ERP enables real-time access into your data, opening the door to instant business insights. It’s no surprise that leading businesses and from all industry verticals believe that the cloud can provide immense benefits to their business and can streamline their operational processes, eliminate routine administrative tasks, foster collaboration, and help you gain ahead of the curve. So, whether you’re a CMO, a CIO, CFO or decision makers, there’s never been a better time to embark on Cloud ERP.