
Cisco launches cloud-based database management-as-a-service for its UCS and HyperFlex customers 

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Cisco recently announced the launch of its cloud – based management platform – Cisco Intersight, for its UCS (Unified Computing System) and HyperFlex Systems.

With this, the company aims to present new ways of systems management.

Cisco Intersight will solve the challenges that customers face due to more and more distributed applications and data; mobility and IoT demanding computing beyond data center capabilities; and the fact that the traditional IT models to manage systems are insufficient to meet the complexities, scale and velocity demanded by the modern IT.

With decreasing server sales growth, the move seems to be an effort by the company to make its hyper-converged infrastructure offerings – UCS and Hyperflex, more attractive by simplifying its data center management.

As per a statement given by Todd Brannon, Director of Product marketing, Cisco, to a news portal, the new datacenter management software-as-a-service is a part of company’s 18 months long multi-year project called Starship, under which the company plans to migrate its current system management software and its customers to a cloud type data management software.

Intersight will remove the necessity to install, monitor or control Cisco’s datacenter software separately. The cloud-based software will give a single view for managing and handling all the technical aspects of operations related to the datacenter.

The company also aims to evolve the new platform and improve its capability to solve complexities. For this, it plans to add the power of AI and machine learning to the platform, through which it will collect customers’ data to understand how to diagnose problems automatically without any manual intervention.

By moving management software to the cloud, we relieve our customers of the burden of maintaining systems management software and hardware. It’s important to note that this approach can take the form of a public (Cisco managed) cloud service and also a private (customer-hosted) cloud model,” per the company blog.

The company believes that a management cloud will promote faster delivery of new services and functionalities, easy extensibility, compliance assurance due to consistent deployment and integration with Cisco TAC (Technical Assistance center).

Cisco’s move to reposition its data center software to a SaaS based model will certainly be advantageous for the company.

Cisco will be talking more about Intersight by streaming live webinar on September 26, 2017 at 10:00am (Pacific time) and 1:00pm (Eastern Time) on TechWiseTV.

Its existing customers can join the technical preview to know more about the product.

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