
AWS launches Cloud9─ a browser-based cloud IDE for developers 

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AWS continued with its string of announcements at re:Invent conference in Las Vegas, with the recent one of Cloud9 – an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) benefiting the cloud developers. It will enable them to write, run, and debug code just with a browser.

AWS Cloud9 will make collaborative cloud development easier with a range of leading programming features. It provides immediate access to Ace Editor (a rich code editor), integrated debugger, and built-in terminal with preconfigured AWS CLI.

Ace Editor includes all the mostly used IDE features, including live syntax checking, auto-completion, auto-indent, split panes, code folding, etc. to enable developers to write code quickly and easily.

The editor doesn’t lag even for files containing over 100000 lines, and supports 40+ language modes including Node.js, JavaScript, Python, PHP, Ruby, Go, and C++. It comes with more than two dozen themes with ability to bring more themes from Sublime Text or TextMate.

Cloud9 is integrated with AWS to make it cloud-native, so the developers don’t need to pay additional charges to create an environment of their choice, like instant type, auto-hibernate time, or SSH access.

The environments can be run anywhere using the same credentials that developers use for AWS cloud.

It preconfigures the development environment with libraries, SDKs, SAM local tool, and plugins used for serverless development. The developers can locally edit, test, and debug Lambda functions, and access Serverless Application Model templates.

Additional tools too can be installed if developers want to use other serverless frameworks.

Cloud9 also contains AWS CodeStar for consistent delivery of toolchains for development on AWS. The CodeStar is an integrated solution to build, test, deploy and manage applications using AWS CodeSummit, CodeBuild, CodePipeline, and CodeDeploy suite of services.

The developers working on AWS Cloud9 can invite an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user to the environment, create a team and share the development environment, just with a few clicks.

Also read: AWS launches Amazon Sumerian to quickly build AR, VR and 3D apps 

At re:Invent, AWS had also launched Amazon Neptune, Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes, and AWS Fargate ─ all targeting the developers.

AWS said that the users don’t need to pay any additional charges for AWS Cloud9, except for the primary compute and storage. It is currently available in the US West (Oregon), US East (Ohio), US East (N.Virginia), EU (Ireland), and Asia Pacific (Singapore) regions.

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