
A New Way To Get A Free Domain Name

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DAILYHOSTNEWS, December 7, 2011 – There are many reasons to buy a web domain. A person may want one to establish a website or blog, to stop others from taking a site name that’s similar to one you already own, or to hold on to a web domain name and later sell it for more. Whatever your reason, there is a new way to get free domain names instead of having to buy a web domain. Bitronic Technologies has a new coupon available promo code: freedom. This coupon allows people to register a domain name for free when making any hosting purchase.

Decide if it is better to pay big money for a High PR name or if it is advantageous to save money and think of a name in house. When registering a domain, keep in mind a few guidelines: The name should be short, easy for visitors to remember, include no punctuation, and only use words that can be found in the dictionary that best represent the content of the planned site.

Don’t buy a web domain; Bitronic Technologies is offering free domain names with any hosting purchase. Prices for a High PR name web domain commonly range from a couple hundred dollars to several thousand dollars, where a domain name that more closely follows the guidelines in the previous step will be more expensive than a name that doesn’t. The process of buying a domain name is simple: Use a search engine to find a site that sells domain names, find the name one wants, either by searching or by browsing manually. Then one has to pay the asking price or email the seller with your best offer.

With a domain name, find a site that registers web domain names and use the site’s search function to see if the name is available. If it is, pay the required registration fee, if paying a registration fee is something one wishes to avoid, consider Bitronic Technologies free domain name promotion.

It’s important to consider web hosting, If building a site right after buying a web domain, it’s possible to receive a free domain name with this offer, as the Bitronic Technologies is offering to register domain names for free.

Bitronic Technologies provides web hosting and design services tailored to fit individual needs. Their goal is to create a cost effective web site solution for people and businesses. They are miles above the rest as an exceptional web hosting company. They have many years of leading experience with global businesses of all sizes and have built up an affluence of web hosting expertise that puts them more than a scratch above other web hosting companies at this time.

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