
Upcoming app development trends to follow in 2021 and beyond

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app development trends

Mobile apps changed how we follow the news, play games, consume entertainment and shop for goods. In fact, by 2023, mobile apps are expected to bring in more than 935 billion dollars in revenue across the globe.

As such, it may be a good idea to keep an eye on popular trends in the world of app development, particularly if you are thinking about creating your own app with and breaking into the market.

1. M-Commerce

If COVID-19 has proven anything, it’s that the e-commerce (and, more importantly, m-commerce) is here to stay. In fact, m-commerce is predicted to generate $3.556 trillion by the end of 2021. Thanks to the ease of voice shopping and one-click ordering, more people are choosing to shop through mobile apps than ever before. In response, mobile app developers are improving e-commerce portals to provide an easy to use and fast mobile shopping experience.

2. Cross-Platform App Development

Over the last few years, cross-platform app development has been central to the strategies of some of the biggest IT companies in the world. Names like Facebook and Pinterest have used cross-platform app development to save money and boost efficiency while reducing their development time.

Now it looks as though this trend will become even more popular. Thanks to Google’s Flutter toolkit, developers can now build web, mobile, and desktop apps – all from the same codebase.

3. Beacon Technology

Beacon technology is a relatively new concept, first brought to the public by Apple in 2013. This technology uses Bluetooth Low Energy signals to help users find products and information close to their location based on their online shopping habits. In 2015, Google created its own version of Beacon Technology known as Eddystone.

But how does it work? For example, say you are looking for a particular pair of jeans online, but you want to try them on before making your purchase. Beacon Technology can show you which stores nearby currently stock those jeans in your size.

It’s not just retail where Beacon Technology can shine; it also has great potential in the travel, healthcare, and gaming industry.

4. Folding Display

Thanks to the rise of foldable mobiles like the LG G8X ThinQ and Samsung Galaxy Z Flip, it is clear this new type of smartphone is here to stay. However, mobile app developers will have to consider the new changes in screen size whenever somebody folds their device. While this may make app development more complex, it opens up a new avenue of exciting opportunities.

5. Mobile Wallets

Mobile Wallets have quickly become one of the most common payment methods online, thanks to how easy they are to use. The likes of Amazon Pay, PayPal, and Google Pay allow users to link their details with a mobile wallet app and pay for bills, shop for products and send money to loved ones with minimal fuss.

Developers are looking at ways to improve mobile wallets with additional features like NFC and RFID payments. According to some experts, this form of payment will eventually overtake the more traditional ways.

6. Wearables

Wearable technology is one of the hottest tech trends for people across the globe, whether that be smartwatches, body sensors, or even smart jewelry.

You can communicate with these wearables via your smartphone. As such, many developers are creating apps that support this new technology.

Wearables are already making massive waves in the healthcare sector, but the possibilities are potentially endless. For example, you could see smart contact lenses or glasses hitting the market in the not-too-distant future.

Final Thoughts

These are just a few of the hottest trends in app development in 2021. However, the digital landscape is constantly changing, which is why developers and entrepreneurs need to keep up with the newest innovations and ideas to gain a foothold among their competitors.

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