Nasscom Community


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A Quick Glance at Workforce trends of the year gone by. 2020 was a year that saw changes packed into a short time which would have otherwise taken years to adopt and embrace. Starting from Work from home transition which later adapted to Work from anywhere, employee well-being took a whole new meaning in the New Normal of 2020. Technology and digital transformation Catalyzed by Covid brought about changes which will remain even after the pandemic is long gone. Resilient Workforce helped Organizations tide the wave of the pandemic while reskilled and upskilled workforce lay the foundation for long term goals of the Organization. Contractual hiring gained traction as we saw rise in demand for Contract Job openings to meet demand in a volatile market. Gig economy made a mark not just in blue collar but in white collar workforce too, which was considered by some Organizations as a tactical measure to tide the pandemic while others  who adopted it as a strategic measure to engage with critical Talent. Here is a quick glance at the Workforce trends in a year that saw plenty of obstacles as well as opportunities, pivoting as well as prospering.

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